It's Not Your Home Anymore
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The film was rated by 8 visitors with the rating 1,05 (For the rating of the movies we used the Bayesian algorithm, which is also used by the Internet Movie Database).
The film was rated by 8 visitors with the rating 1,05 (For the rating of the movies we used the Bayesian algorithm, which is also used by the Internet Movie Database).

It's Not Your Home Anymore Detailed information
General information
- Country:
- Genre:
- The timeless dimension of Unemployment
- Year:
- 2016
Technical data
- Format:
- digital
- Color:
- Color
- Duration:
- 8' 0''
- Director:
- Ridwan Firdaus & Roufy Nasution
- Producer:
- Rodan
- Screenplay:
- Roufy Nasution
- Cinematography:
- Insan Burhansyah
- Sound:
- Andri Ramadhan
- Editing:
- Ridwan Firdaus
- Cast:
- Roufy Nasution
- Other crew:
- Assistant Director:Abdul Aziz
A boy had been 2 years did not meet his parent. When he returned to his parent’s home, his father would not open the door.
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