It rains slowly
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The film was rated by 593 visitors with the rating 4,75 (For the rating of the movies we used the Bayesian algorithm, which is also used by the Internet Movie Database).
The film was rated by 593 visitors with the rating 4,75 (For the rating of the movies we used the Bayesian algorithm, which is also used by the Internet Movie Database).

It rains slowly Detailed information
General information
- Country:
- Genre:
- Iranian Short Films
- Year:
- 2016
Technical data
- Format:
- Color:
- Black & White
- Duration:
- 15' 0''
- Sound:
- Stereo
- Director:
- Saeed Nejati
- Producer:
- Municipality of Izmir / Iranian Youth Cinema Socity-Qom
- Screenplay:
- Arash Ravadeh
* Η ταινία δεν προβάλλεται προς το παρόν στο site λόγω της υλοποίησης του Βραβείου Πανελλήνιας Διανομής της από την Ομοσπονδία Κινηματογραφικών Λεσχών Ελλάδος (Ο.Κ.Λ.Ε.)
* The film is not currently available online due to the implementation of its Pan-Hellenic Distribution Award by the Federation of Greek Cinema Clubs (F.G.C.C.)
The story happened in 1980s and its topic is: a teacher teaches the students what freedom is and how to withstand injustice.
* The film is not currently available online due to the implementation of its Pan-Hellenic Distribution Award by the Federation of Greek Cinema Clubs (F.G.C.C.)
The story happened in 1980s and its topic is: a teacher teaches the students what freedom is and how to withstand injustice.
Photos from the shooting
Director CV Saeed Nejati

Visitor comments
from the newest from the oldestTo post your comments, you must login or register (for free).
25/7/2018 9:23:03 πμ
I wish success for this director and his film
4/7/2018 7:03:44 μμ
It is perfect
4/7/2018 2:17:50 μμ
4/7/2018 1:27:56 μμ