- Genre:
- The timeless dimension of Unemployment
- Duration:
- 29' 0''
- Year:
- 2016
The online public voting ended on April 30, 2017 at 12 noon. The winning film is «Britti» by Samar Prasad.
See the screenshot taken at the moment the voting ended here:
See the winning movie «Britti» by Samar Prasad, here:
On this page from April 5th until April 30th 2017 the films of the festival will be posted, which you can watch, comment and vote to form the top30. The 30 films that will qualify from the online voting will be displayed in MICROKOSMOS cinema on May 9th and 10th 2017. Since that only 30 films were selected from the first phase, all the films will be projected in the central theatre and there will be an audience award through online voting (see the Awards page).
Watch and vote our films. Thank you for being our viewers.
Don't forget to vote for the movie you like!
The movies are displayed in random order at every page refresh.